Weekly Sermons

Weekly Sermons

Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
07/01/18 Christ Is King Derek Chancellor N/A Sun AM Christ_is_King.MP3
06/17/18 The Book of Isaiah Derek Chancellor Preaching through the Bible Sun PM The_Book_of_Isaiah.MP3
06/10/18 The Book of Proverfbs Derek Chancellor Preaching through the Bible Sun PM The_Book_of_Proverbs.MP3
06/04/18 Predestination Foreordination Derek Chancellor N/A Sun AM Predestination_and_Foreordination.MP3
05/27/18 The Book of Job Derek Chancellor Preaching through the Bible Sun PM The_Book_of_Job__.MP3
05/27/18 Salvation by Grace Through Faith Derek Chancellor N/A Sun AM Salvation_by_Grace_through_Faith.MP3
05/27/18 Blessed are the Persecuted Derek Chancellor Beatitudes Sun AM Blessed_are_the_Persecuted.MP3
05/20/18 Esther's Brave Request Derek Chancellor Preaching through the Bible Sun PM Esthers_Brave_Request.MP3
03/26/18 Narrowing The Gap Derek Chancellor N/A Sun AM Narrowing_the_Gap.mp3